Graphic Design
We offer two graphic design services:
Graphic Design
Vapor to Paper – You meet with our Buffalo Design and Printing graphic designer. We will learn your goals, timeframe, intended use, demographic to reach, etc. We will create your thoughts or notes that are written on a napkin and make you look great on paper. Before printing, we will provide you with a proof to approve before production starts.
Polishing Service – You provide files you want to be printed in a PDF, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, or Microsoft Word format, and Buffalo Design And Printing will ‘polish’ it to be print ready. Your provided files should have approved copy and photos. We will then check the resolution, margins, binding margin, bleed, and page count, and make sure there’s consistent color. Next, we will print a proof of your design for you to approve before the production process begins. Our service saves you 50% of typical graphic design fees.
Would you like to learn how to prepare provided print files? Using any design program of your choice, Buffalo Design and Printing will show you what specs are needed to accomplish your goals. We will explain this to help you formulate a clear understanding. Also, you will receive a written guide along with two standard stock books to take home: one for envelopes and one for paper. This is not a class that educates you on how to use various graphic design programs. Instead, we are teaching you the correct print specs to produce a proper print file from any program.
Please call for the current curriculum cost.
Why Design
with Us?
It’s All About First Impressions and Presentation.
It only takes a few seconds for someone to make a first impression, and this applies to more than just face to face meetings. Whenever a potential customer sees your brochure, poster, flyer, or pamphlet, they’re forming an impression about your company. A professional design will ensure that the impression made about your business is a favorable one.
Consider Your Target Audience.
You don’t want a design that you like, you want a design that your target audience will like. A professional will design for who your target audience is and what appeals to them.
Save Time and Money.
You may think that you’re saving time and money by designing for yourself, but if you’re unfamiliar with the designing program, it will take you far longer than it would a professional. Also, your created design may not look that great, which will affect the customer’s decision to buy from you. Plus, you’ll have to spend time going back to make edits. You may think that hiring a professional will cost you more, but our efficient Graphic Designers will save you time and give you a much better ROI.
Read more, please see SPECS